Painter- Lewis Engineer Services

PAINTER-LEWIS, P.L.C. provides civil engineering, land planning, landscape architecture, and surveying services. They have performed work in and are licensed in the states of Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Clients include private builders, real estate developers, land use attorneys, and local governments.

The professional members of PAINTER-LEWIS, P.L.C. have built an outstanding reputation for providing a broad base of consulting and design services which are well-suited for land development projects. Their members have professional engineering licensure in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania; professional landscape architecture licensure in Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland; and professional surveying licensure in Virginia and West Virginia.

817 Cedar Creek Grade, Suite #120
Winchester , VA  22601
Telephone: 540-662-5792
Fax: 540-662-5793
[email protected]


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